Recently, one multinational company in Gurgaon, India, asked
their employees to act like hooligans and break the furniture and equipments of
the office. The employees broke the office in full view of the employer and
media cameras which was telecast on television. The employer told the media
that the exercise was done to reduce the tension from the mind of the
employees. The employees too were looking quite relaxed and happy after doing
the destructive activities.
The incidence of
looting and destruction of public properties are quite common in many
countries. The people vent their frustration against the government and the
system by engaging themselves in such illegal, criminal and destructive
activities, and even suffer imprisonment for their outbursts. It seems that
when people engage themselves in such destructive acts against the law, they
cool down as their moral superiority is lowered by breaking the law, which
perhaps reduces their hatred for the State which in their opinion is not functioning
according to the law.
The destruction of
property is not the only means for displaying the negative emotions by
civilized men. They are often engaged in many similar activities considered
sinful, evil, and criminal in the modern world knowing fully well the
Society divides all actions between good
or evil. It has actually defined only ‘good’ which includes love, compassion,
justice, equality, charity etc. The evil gets automatically defined being the
opposite of good. Every society welcomes
only good and does not allow evil to be expressed freely. Hence the evil keeps
on accumulating in the minds of the people who are forced to do only good deeds
and to think only good thoughts. The result is silent accumulation of evil in their
minds that creates tension and pressure in man. Such pressures make his life
miserable and he gets relief only when he allows the evil to escape through some
destructive acts.
Seven Methods to Release Evil
The necessity of the
release of evil has always been recognized by men. Over thousands of years, men
have created many methods which allow release of the evil. If one follows these
methods, he can perhaps live a happy life without getting suffocated from the
accumulation of evil. Some of these methods are described as following:
Gone are the days when men had to fight wars and kill
thousands of people to enjoy victory and rejoice the humiliation of enemies.
Today the same satisfaction can be achieved by defeating the enemy in games of
sports. This is the reason why the sports between enemy countries are watched
by their countrymen with so much interest. The celebration of the victory in
game is no less than that of winning a war. It is common to see the football
fans fighting in the stadium as if there is a war going on. Bill Shankley
expressed this feeling in the following words–‘Some people believe football is
a matter of life and is much, much more important than that.’
Man has devised many types of games to satisfy his urge to
defeat his enemies in a bloodless war. Every country tries to get as many
medals as possible in the Olympics and gets great satisfaction when they defeat
their enemies. Millions of people see these games to derive the satisfaction of
a victory.
Men invented the ‘survival of the fittest’ theory to justify
the subordination of one human being by others. The Europeans used this theory
to expand their empires and rule over the world. Even in the modern era, all
colleges and companies appoint people who score high marks in the competitions
conducted by them. A competition provides a legal method to defeat millions of
people and come victorious. Competition kills compassion as you can’t win a
competition without defeating others. The world worships the winners. Even in
democracies, the parliamentarians and Presidents are elected only when they
defeat all their rivals not in the battle-field but in the ballot-box.
The civilized world has put lot of restrictions on sexual
relationships. The scriptures term adultery as one of the greatest sins, which
is often punishable with death. Most countries punish adultery by imprisonment
and in some cases even by death. Yet prostitution always existed in the world
and it is rightly called the oldest profession. Most countries still treat
prostitution illegal and immoral, and have made it a punishable offence.
In the modern world, movies provide a great relief to people
to release their evil thoughts. Most movies depict heroes and heroines breaking
all moral and legal barriers to achieve their goal and enjoy life. Violence,
adultery, nudity and sex—otherwise prohibited in the society—are the main theme
of the movies. Hence, a common man is able to identify himself with the actors
of the movies and releases his negativity by cheering the movie stars.
The use of drugs and hard intoxicants like alcohol,
cigarette and mild intoxicants like tea, coffee or fizzy drinks having caffeine,
has grown quite rapidly in the last few decades. The increase has been more
rapid in the developed countries despite increasing awareness of their harmful
effects on the body and mind. There are often very strong laws against their
use. Most countries award death sentence to the drug peddlers. Still drug
trafficking has emerged as the biggest challenge to the world. It is a well
known fact that intoxicants destroy both body and mind. Their regular use not
only causes several diseases in the body but also corrupts the mind. It is no
surprise that most crimes are committed in the world under the influence of
Yet men fail to avoid intoxicants, as they find them as the
safest way to release their evil. There is no country in the world which
prohibits all intoxicants. The milder intoxicants like alcohol and cigarette
are allowed in most countries. Many of the non-alcoholic drinks like tea,
coffee and soft-drinks contain caffeine and other intoxicant material. It is quite
difficult to find a person who does not consume any intoxicant at all.
The consumption of intoxicants makes people feel free and
allows the evil thoughts and actions to come out. If their evil is provided
other safer outlets, they may stop relying on hard intoxicants. Intoxicants
fulfill the destructive need of a person. It does not cause conflicts with
other human beings since the person destroys himself only, not others. In many
countries like Netherlands,
even drugs are allowed to be consumed legally, which has resulted in reduction of
consumption of the hard drugs and crimes.
Verbal Abuse
Abuses are common in all cultures. An abuse is meant to
humiliate others by casting aspersion on their character and calling them by
names and adjectives that are taboo and are abhorable in the society. It is by
abuse that a man releases some of his deep hidden emotions that can’t be
expressed in a civilized manner. Studies have shown that swearing or using
vulgar words against others improves the credibility of the person. Studies
have concluded that dropping the F-bomb or other expletives may not only be an
expression of agony but also a means to alleviate it.
(6) Criticism
Mahatma Gandhi used to have statues of three monkeys with
him, who symbolized his philosophy of life. One monkey covered his mouth with
his hands; the second covered his eyes and the third covered his ears. The
message conveyed by the monkeys was—‘say no evil’– ‘see no evil’ and ‘hear no
evil’. A good man was advised by Gandhi
to follow these three rules in life as any contact of evil is considered bad—as
it makes the person evil.
Criticism is thus considered to be a great evil, wherein one
speaks evil against others, which creates hatred amongst the human beings. Yet
newspapers and media are full of criticism of others. Criticism of powerful
people seems to be the prime time entertainment for most citizens. What a
pleasure it is to demolish a man who is considered to be great! Media would not
show criticism, unless people like to see them, since these media channels and
newspapers thrive on the popularity of their news reports.
Therefore, criticism
is not considered evil by the society and individuals, unless they themselves
are the subject of criticism. We all enjoy criticizing others. It provides a great
relief to the people as the evil of hatred accumulated in their hearts gets a
safe outlet. Since you generally criticize a person behind his back and most of
the time, the criticized person may not even come to know about it, it is
almost a nonviolent method to let go your evil thoughts without harming others.
You can have the cake and eat it too, if others can keep secret of your
Accumulation of Wealth
Wealth is considered to be the biggest hindrance in being
good. A wealthy man is universally envied and disliked by people as most people
link pleasures and power to his wealth. Jesus denounced wealth when he said–‘It
is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to
enter into the kingdom
of God’ (Mark 10:25).
People accumulate wealth which they may never use in their
life. The reason for earning wealth is not merely the pleasure of senses but
also to get a sense of superiority over fellow human beings. Accumulation of
wealth is usually not possible by honest and moral means. A wealthy man
extracts maximum price for his goods and services so that he makes maximum
profit in his business. He also exploits his employees by paying them less than
their fair share of wages. Thus a wealthy man follows all tricks of the trade
to become rich. So a person whose goal of life has become accumulation of money
can exhaust many evils in the process of earning wealth as the evil of earning
wealth can guard the person from doing other evils. You would not see many rich
businessmen committing heinous crimes as they are releasing their evil in the
acquisition of wealth itself.
Release the Evil
The evil thoughts are created in every man as soon as a good
thought is born in his mind. Hence, it would not be safe to let only good
thoughts released while allowing the evil thoughts to be pent-up. People like
Hitler became evil for they left no escape route for their evil thoughts.
Hitler had no evil. He was an idealist, teetotaler, vegetarian and avoided
married life. He provided no escape route for his evil thoughts which were born
naturally in him as he was striving to make Germany the greatest country of the
world. The result was that all his evil thoughts got accumulated and burst in
the form of extreme hatred for Jews, Russians, French and almost everyone else.
The hatred was translated into action that resulted in the loss of millions of
human lives. The other great leaders of his time like Roosevelt and Churchill provided
safe outlets to evil, so they maintained their sanity and remained more humane.
It is, therefore, advisable to allow evil thoughts to escape by following
simple methods like sports, competitions and mild intoxicants rather than
allowing the evil to take over your thoughts and cause immeasurable damage to yourself,
the society and the world.
1: ‘Why the #$%! Do We Swear? For Pain Relief’, Scientific
American URL:
(This article is from the book "Good and Evil: Two Sides of the Same Coin". Please visit for more)
(This article is from the book "Good and Evil: Two Sides of the Same Coin". Please visit for more)
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