We are in the era of information explosion. We are bombarded
with information by electronic, print and social media 24x7. Every piece of
information seems to be valuable and true. While it is good to be informed but excess
of information like excess of food can only harm our body and mind. We get
confused by the abundance of information since these are contradictory and we
are not sure what is truth and what is false.
The solution is not to avoid information and close our eyes
and ears to what is happening in the world but to develop the ability to see
the truth clearly by developing clear thinking. Following rules may be useful
in developing clear thinking.
1: Discover Truth
Truth is like a shy maiden. It is always hidden behind the
veil and its face is revealed only when the veil is removed. We have to always
search the truth as it never comes to us following our desires. What comes to us
of its own is not truth. We often consider the news items of the print or
electronic media as true while most information is only half-truth.
There is a famous saying in media that if dog bites a man it
is no news but if a man bites a dog that is news. What we see on the different
types of media is nothing but a second hand truth which contains the prejudices
and vested interest of the people through whom it has reached us. If there are
thousand good acts by people, you may never know from media but one bad act is
reported to us 24x7. This disproportionate coverage of evil gives us the
impression that the world has become extremely evil while the reality is quite
different which can be ascertained only if you take the pain to know the truth
yourself. We are also often enamored by what we read in the different books in
our schools and colleges thinking that every world written there is true. We
must remember that all knowledge acquired from other people is second hand and
we must develop the habit of learning the knowledge first hand, particularly if
it is important for us.
2: Learn To Think
Most colleges teach us ‘what to think’ and not ‘how to think’.
The difference between the two is that of day and night. If you think only what
you ought to think, you only know what is already known before. Such knowledge
is hardly of any use because what has worked in earlier situation on a
different set of people can’t work now. Unfortunately most of the collages in
India want the student not to think independently and promote rote learning by
awarding highest grades to those who reproduce the tutored answers instead of answers
that comes from their own mind.
We are so much accustomed to the pursuit of our second hand
knowledge that when we come face to face with the real life problems, we want
others to help us solve our problems as we can’t think of a creative solution.
Our weakness is then exploited by many Gurus and experts in the business and
religious field who often make us their slave by deciding our course of life.
It is therefore important to learn ‘how to think’ because if
you develop this habit you can find solution of all problems using the
expertise and knowledge of the self and others.
Let us take an example. We are often impressed by the
motivational speaker who provides us the example of few successful people like
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Narayana Murthy, Amitabh Bacchan or Nareredra Modi who
rose from their humble background to become extremely successful in their lives.
While it is good to get motivated by their powerful speeches, let us also
remember that if being successful would have been that easy to know, the
speaker would have been running a billion dollar empire rather than motivating
others for few thousands rupees.
We must learn to face the reality, even if it is bitter. You
must know that according to the statistics, only one in five ventures survive
beyond five year, and only one in a million becomes a Bill Gate or Steve Jobs.
For every book that is a great success, there are hundreds of books which can’t
recover even their printing cost and behind every book that is published there
are hundreds of authors whose books are never published. Yet every budding
author expects to become a best-selling author like Chetan Bhagat or Amish
Tripathi in India. In reality most creative efforts fail and the leaders, entrepreneurs,
artists or writers suffer great pain and disappointment. Yet no one tells you
about the failures and no case studies are done on ‘failures” and the failure punches
your face when you are least prepared for it.
So whenever someone give you a great motivational speech,
don’t just trust them blindly but get the facts before you accept any claim.
3: Beware of the
We are attracted towards the successful people and try to
copy them in the hope of repeating their success in our life. However, almost
all copycats are disappointed. To understand their failures, we must understand
what is called ‘Swimmer’s body illusion’.
We are quite attracted to the body of the professional
swimmer’s because it is proportionate and streamlined. Hence many people start
doing swimming regularly in the hope of developing similar bodies. However,
they soon understand that however hard they try, their body does not become any
closer to the body of professional swimmer. The reason is simple. You can’t get
a streamlined body because you swim best, you swim best because you have
streamlined body. Unless your body is designed in a particular manner you can’t
become a great swimmer.
This illusion is there in many other fields. You don’t
become beautiful, like the model, by using the cosmetic products because the
truth is that the model was already beautiful and hence she was selected for
the advertisement. Yet we believe the illusion created by the advertiser that
the cosmetics are responsible for the beauty and our weakness is exploited by
the companies all over the world.
4: Know Yourself
There is nothing in this world which is source of happiness
or sorrow for everyone. We all have different likes and dislikes. What you like
most is hated by someone. When you go to a shop, you find some cloths extremely
attractive and some extremely repulsive. However, remember that even those
cloths, which you would not wear even if someone pay you for it, are liked by
some people—otherwise mills would not have made those cloths.
We all like something and dislike something. If you do
something which you don’t like, you can’t focus on the work and you will also
get tired very soon. When you like something, you automatically remain focused
on your task and you also do not get tired while working for long hours. That
is the reason why some students perform poorly and some very well in classes
even though they study for same number of hours. Your success or failure is a
result of the fact if your aptitude matches with what you do.
Your happiness increases when you do what you love and decreases
when you are forced to do what you hate. Hence, try to discover what you love
to do like writing, reading, music, art, sport or anything which you love to
do. The best would be choose a profession where you can devote more time on
what you love and least time on what you dislike instead of thinking about the
remuneration. Even if you can devote only little time everyday on such
activities, you shall always have joy in your life.
You must therefore know yourself from your experience and
contemplation. Once you know yourself well, you are already on the road to
5: Learn to
Appreciate Your Culture and Traditions
Man is a social animal. He can’t survive independently. In
the modern world, the entire world is interconnected but we are most connected
to the society in which we live. We inculcate the values of the society at such
an early age that it goes into our subconscious mind and become part of our consciousness.
Every society has certain values which are passed on from
one generation to another. Many of these values are not rational, yet these are
the values which are common in the society and connect all people in one
We must understand that rational thinking can only tell us
‘what the reality is’ and not ‘what it should be’ or ‘what it could be’. The
values of the society are created by religions, culture, traditions and
mythologies which have penetrated into the deepest consciousness of people over
generation and they deeply believe these values. If you remove common belief in
people, the society shatters and every individual becomes free caring only for
This is what has happened in most developed countries. Let
us take the divorce rate which reflects the sanctity of marriages in different
societies. The divorce rates of most western countries and East European
countries are quite high: Belgium (71%), Spain (61%), France (55%), USA (53%),
UK (47%). The divorce rates in India are still less than 1%.
In fact, divorces have become so common that couples prefer
live-in relationship or cohabitation rather than marriage in West. Between 1960-2010, the number of cohabiting
couples increased 17-fold in USA. While Norway tops the list with more than 50%
live-in relationship, it is 23% of relationships in USA. Among women, 68% of
unions formed in 1997-2001 in USA began as live-in relationship rather than as
a marriage. In India, such relationships are virtually nonexistent as of now.
While being faithful is a cherished value of our country and
we call our spouse as life-partner, fidelity has become an exception in most
developed countries. According to one survey conducted by Durex in 2007, the
average male has 29 partners in Australia while in New Zealand females have as
many as 21 partners in their lives.
It would be shocking to know that in the United States of
America, almost half of the children are born today from unmarried mothers. The
number of live births to unmarried women in 2012 was over 1,6 million which was
40.7% of the total births of children in USA.
Hardly 10-20% of the children in developed countries have
the benefit of living in unbroken families, a privilege which most children in
India enjoy.
Hence, when we are impressed by the glamour and development
of the Western World, we must also understand the price to be paid for
individualism and breaking from our cultures and traditions. The reality of the
Western World must serve us a warning not to imitate them as we too are bound
to meet the same fate if we follow them blindly.
It is important for us to learn how to think clearly and
accurately. We must not follow anyone or anything blindly lest we are exploited
due to our ignorance which is like darkness. Only by clear thinking, we can see
the reality as it is and achieve our goals successfully.
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