Saturday, 11 January 2014

Our Relationship with God

The question of relationship occurs when there is a distance or space between the two entities.  You have relationship with other individuals who are different than you but you can’t have relationship with yourself. There is no difference between God and us as we are all part of God and God too is part of us. The example that can be taken to explain this relationship is that of the drop in an ocean and the ocean itself. Where is the difference between the two? Ocean is same as drop and the drop too is part of ocean. Hence it is said, “I am God” (Aham Brahmashmi).

However, the problem is that we do not identify ourselves with God and do not see ourselves as God. It is like a mirror that is covered with lots of dirt as we have never cleaned the dirt on it and hence we are unable to see our image in the mirror. The dirt that covers our vision to see God is made of our evil acts, our desires for pleasure and material achievements. So we have to clean our heart and make it pure and change our actions in a way that we shun all evil actions. This will gradually make us realize God within our own heart and we shall become part of God in truest sense.

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